1,800.00 złTechnique: mixed media on canvas
Size: 160 cm x 120 cm
Obraz “Waterseed” to hipnotyzuj?ca podró? w g??b dziko?ci i nieprzewidywalno?ci natury, zanurzona w kaskadach kolorów i emocji. Na pierwszym planie zielenie, od subtelnych pasteli do g??bokich szmaragdów, uk?adaj? si? w formy ro?linne, przypominaj?c organiczne struktury, jakby natura zaczyna?a odkrywa? swoje sekretne wzory, skrywane w g??binach. Kszta?ty te s? jednocze?nie regularne i chaotyczne, odzwierciedlaj?c nieprzewidywalno?? i nieustannie zmieniaj?c? si? natur? otaczaj?cego ?wiata. Woda – ?ywio? niepohamowanej energii, symbolizuje p?ynno?? i zmienno?? natury, która mo?e by? zarówno ?ród?em ?ycia, jak i destrukcji.
“Waterseed” to eksploracja dziko?ci, pi?kna i nieprzewidywalno?ci natury, która zawsze b?dzie zaskakiwa? swoimi niesamowitymi i z?o?onymi kszta?tami, kolorami i emocjami.
The painting “Waterseed” is a hypnotic journey into the depths of wilderness and unpredictability of nature, immersed in cascades of colors and emotions. In the foreground, shades of green, ranging from delicate pastels to deep emeralds, arrange themselves into plant-like forms, reminiscent of organic structures, as if nature were beginning to unveil its secret patterns hidden within its depths. These shapes are both regular and chaotic, reflecting the unpredictability and constantly changing nature of the surrounding world. Water, an element of unbridled energy, symbolizes fluidity and the ever-changing nature that can be both a source of life and destruction.
“Waterseed” is an exploration of the wilderness, beauty, and unpredictability of nature, which will always surprise with its incredible and intricate shapes, colors, and emotions.
The painting “Centaurea” emanates the energy of meeting with the Shadow, diving into your authentic self, and embracing every quality that emerges from the inside.
Digital file available for downloading and printing
A file for your print is an easy and inexpensive way to personalize your home and office. You can print using your printer or use a local print shop.
Includes 4 scalable high-resolution JPG image files and detailed printing instructions:
File size 4x5 for printing in 4x5 8x10, 16x20, 40x50 cm
File size 3x4 for printing 6x8, 9x12, 12x16, 18x24
File size 2x3 for printing 4x6, 6x9, 8x12, 10x15, 12x18, 16x24, 20x30, 24x36, 60x90 cm
International file size for printing 5x7, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, 50x70 cm
The painting Serenity emanates the energy of harmony, peace, and deep breathing to its essence, appreciating every moment. And all that you find in yourself when looking at it.
Digital file available for downloading and printing
A file for your print is an easy and inexpensive way to personalize your home and office. You can print using your printer or use a local print shop.
Includes 4 scalable high-resolution JPG image files and detailed printing instructions:
File size 4x5 for printing in 4x5 8x10, 16x20, 40x50 cm
File size 3x4 for printing 6x8, 9x12, 12x16, 18x24
File size 2x3 for printing 4x6, 6x9, 8x12, 10x15, 12x18, 16x24, 20x30, 24x36, 60x90 cm
International file size for printing 5x7, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, 50x70 cm
Image Seventh Sea emanates the energy of searching for new and bold experimentation, letting go of perfectionism, and following into the unknown.
Digital file available for downloading and printing
A file for your print is an easy and inexpensive way to personalize your home and office. You can print using your printer or use a local print shop.
Includes 4 scalable high-resolution JPG image files and detailed printing instructions:
File size 4x5 for printing in 4x5 8x10, 16x20, 40x50 cm
File size 3x4 for printing 6x8, 9x12, 12x16, 18x24
File size 2x3 for printing 4x6, 6x9, 8x12, 10x15, 12x18, 16x24, 20x30, 24x36, 60x90 cm
International file size for printing 5x7, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, 50x70 cm
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